FORM+CODE in Design, Art, and Architecture

Parameterize: CHAIR

The first step in creating a parameterized design is to decompose the form into variables. A simple, parameterized chair has variables for the dimensions of the seat, the height of the back, and the thickness of the frame. One unique chair exists for each set of variable values. The design space is the range of all possible chairs that can be generated within the system.

Once the parameters have been identified, they can be used to draw the chair, and after a value has been set for each variable, the code responsible for translating those values into lines and shapes will display the chair on-screen. Choosing values for each parameter at random is one way to explore unexpected chairs within the design space.

/** * Parameterize: Chair * from Form+Code in Design, Art, and Architecture * by Casey Reas, Chandler McWilliams, and LUST * Princeton Architectural Press, 2010 * ISBN 9781568989372 * * This code was written for Processing 1.2+ * Get Processing at */ int chairSeatHeight = 100; int chairWidth = 50; int chairDepth = 50; int chairBackHeight = 100; int chairFrameThickness = 10; void setup() {   size(1024, 1024, P3D);   smooth();   fill(0);   stroke(0);   noLoop(); } void draw() {   background(255);   ortho(0, width, 0, height, 0, 300);   pushMatrix();   translate(width, height);   rotateX(-PI / 9);   rotateY(PI / 8);   scrambleChair();   drawChair();   popMatrix(); } void drawChair() {   // back   pushMatrix();   translate(chairWidth/2, chairBackHeight/2);   box(chairWidth, chairBackHeight, chairFrameThickness);   popMatrix();   // seat   pushMatrix();   translate(chairWidth/2, chairBackHeight + chairFrameThickness/2, chairDepth/2 - chairFrameThickness/2);   box(chairWidth, chairFrameThickness, chairDepth);   popMatrix();   // legs   pushMatrix();   translate(chairFrameThickness/2, chairBackHeight + chairSeatHeight/2 + chairFrameThickness, 0);   box(chairFrameThickness, chairSeatHeight, chairFrameThickness);   popMatrix();   pushMatrix();   translate(chairWidth - chairFrameThickness/2, chairBackHeight + chairSeatHeight/2 + chairFrameThickness, 0);   box(chairFrameThickness, chairSeatHeight, chairFrameThickness);   popMatrix();   pushMatrix();   translate(chairWidth - chairFrameThickness/2, chairBackHeight + chairSeatHeight/2 + chairFrameThickness, chairDepth - chairFrameThickness);   box(chairFrameThickness, chairSeatHeight, chairFrameThickness);   popMatrix();   pushMatrix();   translate(chairFrameThickness/2, chairBackHeight + chairSeatHeight/2 + chairFrameThickness, chairDepth - chairFrameThickness);   box(chairFrameThickness, chairSeatHeight, chairFrameThickness);   popMatrix(); } void scrambleChair() {   chairSeatHeight = floor(random(10, 200));   chairWidth      = floor(random(10, 200));   chairDepth      = floor(random(10, 200));   chairBackHeight = floor(random(10, 200)); } void mousePressed() {   redraw(); }

Contributed Examples


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